
MORNING WORSHIP EVERY SUNDAY FROM 11.00 am (unless stated otherwise)

Our church has easy access via the hall entrance on Meeting House Lane and is fitted with an audio induction loop and amplification system for the hard of hearing.

Coronavirus Guidelines

Do not attend worship if you have any symptoms of coronavirus or have a recent positive lateral flow test.



6 Harvest Service Rev. Sue Fender
13 Morning Worship Penny Flynn
20 Morning Worship Rev. Allen Morton
27 Morning Worship Faith Paulding


3 Holy Communion Rev. Sue Fender
10 Ecumenical Remembrance Day Service Rev. David Cornick
17 Morning Worship Rev. Allen Morton
24 Morning Worship Rev. Dr. Janet Tollington


1 Junior Church Christmas Service Rev. Sue Fender
8 Holy Communion Rev. John Procter
15 Morning Worship Rev. Allen Morton
22 Carol Service Rev. Sue Fender
25, 10am Christmas Day Peter Godbert
29 Morning Worship TBC


Those unable to attend our services could make use of the United Reformed Church, Daily Devotions, which offers daily scripture readings with prayers and reflections and provides pre-recorded services.